Package net.sf.log4jdbc

Interface Summary
Spy Common interface that all Spy classes can implement.
SpyLogDelegator Delegates Spy events to a logger.

Class Summary
CallableStatementSpy Wraps a CallableStatement and reports method calls, returns and exceptions.
ConnectionSpy Wraps a JDBC Connection and reports method calls, returns and exceptions.
DriverSpy A JDBC driver which is a facade that delegates to one or more real underlying JDBC drivers.
PostLogProfilerProcessor Post processes an existing sqltiming log, and creates a profiling report from it.
PreparedStatementSpy Wraps a PreparedStatement and reports method calls, returns and exceptions.
ResultSetSpy Wraps a ResultSet and reports method calls, returns and exceptions.
SpyLogFactory A provider for a SpyLogDelegator.
StatementSpy Wraps a Statement and reports method calls, returns and exceptions.
Utilities Static utility methods for use throughout the project.